
John Lauck's Astroday Archives

I figured I'd post a link to this story from Astros Daily on yesterday's game. Unfortunately, John doesn't have permalinks, but it's nice to see the Braves from another angle every so often. Here's a bit about Bobby:

I'm sure Bobby Cox takes heat in Atlanta for managerial moves that don't work out, [NO! -- MT] just like all managers do, but I promise you, this guy is like Houdini with his ability to manuver his team out of unfavorable situations. He doesn't always succeed, but he does a great deal of the time, and I think the world of his abilities, precisely because he's got a good team and knows how to use them. True, the Astros had them down, but Cox was, even now, doing all he could to keep Atlanta close, in case the atmosphere of the game should change. It did.


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